A truck driver who accidentally pushed a Mercedes down Interstate 35 is being sued for damages of more than $1 million.

The lawsuit stems from an August 20th accident during which the lawsuit claims truck driver Raymond Morales made an “unsafe lane change” and ended up colliding with Leon Morris’ Mercedes sedan along I-35 in San Antonio, Texas, pushing it for around a mile.

Morris was transported to the hospital following the crash, but his injuries were not described as “severe” until the lawsuit came to light, reported KSAT News.

Morales claims that he did not realize at first that he had collided with the Mercedes, which is why it took him so long to bring his aggregate truck to a stop.

Mercedes-Benz/18-wheeler la… by on Scribd

The lawsuit accuses Morales of failing “to pay attention to the road” and failing “to keep a proper lookout when (Morales) struck (Morris’) vehicle.”

The lawsuit is currently underway, but Morris refuses to speak with the media after his attorney allegedly advised him to refrain from speaking to the media.