A study on the most dangerous highways in the United States has been released – and Texas is listed twice.
The study evaluated the top 50 most dangerous highways across the country using date from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, breaking down the 34,000 fatal car automobile crashes that happen yearly in the United States.
Of these fatal crashes, 57% occur on a highway and around 50 people die in fatal car crashes a day.
According to the information reported on Times Record News, The top five most dangerous highways to drive on are as follows:
US-93 in Arizona
State Highway 9 in Oklahoma
U.S. Route 160 in Colorado
Interstate 5 in California
Interstate 10 in Texas
A second Texas highway is listed at number six – I-20 in Dallas County which saw 490 fatal crashes with 594 fatalities between 2010 and 2016, while I-10 in Harris County saw 585 fatal crashes with 676 fatalities in the same time period.