Semi trucks traveling through Baton Rouge may soon be required to drive in the right lane only thanks to a bill recently introduced to the state legislature.

The bill, named House Bill 432, was introduced to the Louisiana state legislature by Representative Steve Carter, and is aimed at reducing congestion in Baton Rouge, Louisiana by placing restrictions on lane usage by commercial vehicles during peak travel hours.

If passed, the bill would require tractor trailers, school buses, and other large commercial vehicles to use only the right lane for travel from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday along highways in East Baton Rouge, affecting Interstates 10, 12, and 110.

This isn’t the first time lawmakers have attempted to combat traffic issues plaguing the city, but this time, even local motorists are concerned about the implications of the possible new law, and want a say in what happens.

“We’re not fighting against the expansion,” said an unnamed local motorist to WBRZ News.

“We just wanna be a part of the equation. And if we a part of the equation then we know how to prepare ourselves for those changes.”