A motorist was injured in Kansas on Sunday after running in front of an oncoming semi truck while police conducted a search of his vehicle.
The incident happened on January 7th at approximately 2:45 p.m. in Chapman, Kansas.
According to The Salina Journal, 38-year-old Andre Murphy was stopped by police for committing a traffic violation while traveling along Interstate 70 near the Chapman exit. When officers approached, they smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle, and asked Murphy to step out of the car. He was then handcuffed with his hands in front and asked to remain on his knees in a grassy ditch while officers inspected the vehicle.
Officers say he remained in the ditch for several minutes, following instructions, when suddenly he jumped up and raced into traffic, where he avoided a car in the nearest lane before running directly into the path of an oncoming semi truck. Murphy was then struck by the semi truck driven by 47-year-old trucker, Jefferey Jones.
As of Tuesday, January 9th, Murphy was listed in good condition at the Salina Regional Health Center, but officers are still baffled as to why he ran in front of the semi, and impressed at the truck driver’s quick thinking.
“He [the trucker] did a phenomenal job,” said Sheriff Gareth Hoffman.
“He saw the patrol vehicles and had started to slow, and when [Murphy ran out into traffic] he got it shut down to a point that the guy is still alive,” Hoffman continued.
“He deserves a driving award. That’s not something you expect to encounter when you’re cruising down interstate. It certainly could have been worse.”
“We really at the end of the day will not know what his [Murphy’s] intentions were — unless he tells us,” continued Hoffman.
“Only he knows what his intentions were.”
At the time of the incident, officers had discovered a firearm, as well as marijuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms inside of Murphy’s vehicle.
Murphy currently faces charges of possessing a firearm, possession of marijuana and hallucinogenic mushroom with intent to distribute, and obstruction of law enforcement.