A semi truck hauling frozen meat was struck by a train in Florida on Wednesday morning, spilling all types of meat across the tracks and attracting locals looking to stock up for Christmas dinner.

The accident occurred on December 13th at approximately 12:30 a.m. in Lakeland, Florida.

According to Fox 13 News, a semi truck stalled on the rail road tracks across Ingram Avenue, north of Main Street and was unable to move, possibly due to a brake issue. The truck driver then exited his rig and tried to contact railroad authorities to alert them of the issue, but he was unable to reach them in time, and the train plowed through the stopped semi truck, splitting it in half and littering the tracks with a variety of frozen meat.

No one was hurt in the accident, but the collision did leave officials wondering what to do with the mess. Luckily, they didn’t have to wonder for long because, as soon as the sun started coming up, locals began flocking to the crash site and picking through the debris, collecting any meat that was still intact.

“People are hungry,” said local Jessie Woulard.

“I wouldn’t take that one, it’s not in a package and it’s been on the ground… but some people are so hungry that they’ll wash it off. Everybody needs something, its Christmas.”

“Steaks, roast, and friend chicken wings for Christmas!” said another local, smiling as she left the scene with arms full of the free food.

Locals spent at least an hour rifling through the debris to find the food worth taking before officials shooed them away from the tracks so that cleanup efforts could continue.

“I gotta be honest, it smells like bacon…” said Fox 13 News reporter Alcides Segui.

Police say that the area is not traffic heavy, so limited traffic control was needed. The scene has since been cleared and the roadway reopened.