A trucker was stabbed by another trucker after defending a female driver against his aggressive behavior in Oklahoma over the weekend.
The incident happened at a Love’s truck stop off Interstate 35 and Northeast 122nd in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at around 4:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 17th.
According to News 9, truck driver Rocky Terven happened to pull into a Love’s fuel island at the same time as a female truck driver, and both drivers immediately entered the store. As the two drivers were taking care of business inside the Love’s store, a third driver walked in and began verbally assaulting the unnamed female truck driver.
“He comes in yelling that he has been back there for 45 minutes, waiting. We tried to explain to him we have only been here for five minutes,” Terven explained.
“He got smart with her and that’s when I said something, ‘You are not going to disrespect a woman right there in front of me.’”
The suspect then exited the building but promptly returned to the store, this time with a knife.
“He said I got something for you,” continued Terven.
“He went back to his truck and came back inside and swung a knife on me. He missed the first time. I swung, I connected with him, and the he swung again and caught me. At first, I didn’t know I was cut, until someone said I was bleeding out.”
Emergency personnel then arrived and instructed Terven to go to the ER, but he refused until he was able to get ahold of his employer and figure out what to do with the refrigerated goods he was hauling.
“That’s over a quarter of a million dollars’ worth of stuff in the back of that trailer that is my responsibility. That’s all I was worried about was my responsibility,” he explained.
Once Terven got in contact with his employer, he pulled into a hospital in El Reno, where he discovered that his injuries were more serious than he first thought.
“Found a little blood in my lungs, but not enough to worry about. They say an inch more and it would have hit my lungs. Two and half inches to the left and I would have been dead,” he said.
A truck driver says he was stabbed inside a truck stop while defending a woman from another customer. https://t.co/5gsRz1Y8Vn
— News 9 (@NEWS9) June 19, 2018
Oklahoma City Police have not yet released a photo of the suspect, but Terven says he remembers a few details about his attacker.
“Black, maybe a little facial hair, short hair, kinda [sic] dark skin. He had all dark clothes on that day,” he described.
“I know he drove for TNI trucking company.”
Now, Terven is resting up in an attempt to heal from his unfortunate encounter, but he says he would do it all again.
“Found a little blood in my lungs, but not enough to worry about. They say an inch more and it would have hit my lungs. Two and half inches to the left and I would have been dead. [But] I would step in again if I needed to,” he said.
Since the attack, Terven has been raising money on GoFundMe as a way to help pay his medical bills, along with the cost of recovery.
“I got to take time off of work and lose money and I got bills to pay, but the company wants me to take time off so I can recuperate,” he said.
You can donate to Terven’s recovery fund here.
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