A woman who was abandoned at a gas station earlier this week found help in the form of a kind-hearted truck driver.

The woman had been picked up by Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada police over the weekend for failing to pay $200 worth of fines. She was brought to a jail a few towns over for 24 hours before the sheriffs in charge decided she had “served her time” and told her she could leave. Then, instead of transporting her back to Fredericton, the sheriffs dumped her at a gas station with a print out of a Google map route and told her she could hitch hike home.

“They told me they couldn’t keep me because it wasn’t a hotel,” Serena Woods, the woman left abandoned, said.

“And I would have gladly stayed the one night, just to get a ride home, shackled and everything. But no, they told me it wasn’t a hotel and I was to go home. They just stood there and said, ‘You got to go now.'”

Stranded and alone, Woods desperately waited for someone who appeared trustworthy, and that’s when she spotted truck driver Victor Poirier.

Woods then approached Poirier and explained her situation to the kindly trucker, who quickly offered to help her get back home.

Poirier gave Woods a place to sleep for the night and even paid for her breakfast the next day before driving her to Fredericton on his delivery for the day.

“Somewheres along the line, people have to treat people like human beings,” Poirier said.

“So when I seen she needed help, I gave her the help that she needed,” he stated.